Friday, 8 May 2015

Miller Orr Formula

Miller Orr Formula

Miller or formula calculates the spread for cash fluctuation. There is no control action required when the cash is floating between these limits.
Spread = 3 x [(3/4 x T x Vc)/interest] 1/3

T= Transaction cost
V cash = Variance of cash
Interest = Interest is per day

Miller Orr Formula Example
Minimum level of cash
$ 75,000
Transaction Cost
$ 150
$ 230,000
Interest rate
$ .7 %


= 3 x [(¾ x 150 x 230,000)/.0007]1/3
= 3 x (3.69)1/3
=3 x 3328
= $ 9984

It is important to remember that limits are not to be used in the formula and one of the limits either lower or upper is given and we will calculate the spread and apply that spread to calculate second limit.