Wednesday, 30 September 2015



Accounting is primarily the processing of financial information. The processing is consisting of five stages. These five stages are also referred as accounting cycle.

1.    Recording
First stage of accounting is recording of financial transaction in the books of accounts (journal). Recording is done in accordance with debit & credit rules. Broadly recording can be classified into recording of expenses, income, assets and liabilities.

2.    Classifying 
Second stage of accounting is classification. It means that transaction recorded in journal is now classified into different account. The book used for such classification is known as ledger and it contains all accounts. Classification is done on the bases of nature & functions of transactions.

3.    Summarizing 
Third stage of accounting of is summarizing of financial transactions. It means that summaries are prepared from the classified transactions (different accounts) .in simple term summary of different account is prepared and in accounting language, this summary is known as trial balance. Technically summary report showing the closing balances of different accounts.

4.    Reporting Results
Fourth stage of accounting is reporting of results in the form of balance sheet & profit and loss account. This is end product of accounting and these reports (results) are used by different user for decision making.

5.    Interpreting results
Fifth stage of accounting is interpreting the result with the help of ratio analyses like gross margin ratio, current ratio. These ratios are used to judge the financial position and financial performance of the entity.