Monday, 12 October 2015

Agency Theory

Agency Theory

1.    Separation of Ownership & Management
Under agency theory management & ownership are two different aspect of organization. Business is managed by manager hired by the owners. Manager acts on behalf of the owner as agent.

2.    Management act in Best interest
Under agency theory, it is believed that manager will work in the best interest of ownership. Therefore a formal hired by the owners to manage the business. It is an ideal situation or case of agency theory.

3.    Management Self Interest
Agency theory recognizes the fact, that management may have their self interest like increase in salary and bonuses. Therefore it is not practical that manager will only focuses on the interest of owners.

4.    Manager & Owner Conflict
Agency theory recognizes that Manager Interest and owner interest conflict with each other. Management may look into short term profit, while ownership is more interested in long term growth. Manager is ready to take risky decision, while owner would love to minimize the risk.

5.    Manager Create Cost
Agency theory explains that Management create number of costs for the ownership. For example an increase in salary is cost for the ownership, as it will reduce the ownership wealth. It is important to remember that any cost of expense is a hit on ownership wealth.

6.    Balance
Agency theory explains a balance between management and ownership. Management should look to ownership interest and ownership should also give due consideration to self interest of management.