Thursday, 4 June 2015

What is journal

What is journal?

Journal is a book, in which entries are recorded in first place. Therefore Journal is also known as books of original entry. The transaction in journal is recorded on the bases of debit and credit rules defined for transactions.

What are types of Journal?

There are two types of journal i.e. General Journal and special journal. General journal is used to record the all transaction, while the special journal is used to record specific group of transaction like credit sales, credit purchases. Only large scale organization uses special journals.

What is purpose of Special Journal?

The special journal is to control the volume of transactions in large scale organization. The special journal is used to divide the work load among different employees i.e. different employee are responsible for maintain different specialized journal.

What are types of Special Journal?

The special journal includes, purchase journal, sales journal, purchase return journal, sales return journal cash book.