Thursday, 4 June 2015

What is Ledger

What is ledger?

Ledger is book contains the individual account. Ledger is a book of secondary entry and used to classify the transactions.

What are types of ledger?

There are two types of ledger i.e. subsidiary ledger and General ledger. The subsidiary ledger contains the individuals’ accounts of customer and creditor known as accounts receivable, account payable. This ledger contains all the accounts of receivable & payable respectively.

What is purpose of subsidiary ledger?

Subsidiary ledger is maintained to manage the volume of transactions and to divide the work load in the account department. It is not practical to maintain too many accounts in General ledger and therefore some subsidiary ledger are created for purpose.

What is General Ledger?

The general ledger contains the separate account for those head have low volume of transaction  like salary, rent etc and  contains total account for heads involves high volume of transaction like receivable, payable, credit purchases, credit sales.
Those account which involves low volume of transaction; General ledger is updated for individual transaction, and for high volume transaction heads, General ledger is updated in total term.

Special Journals like sales journal and purchase journal provides information for updating of General ledger in total term. The General Journal provides information for updating individual accounts.

What types of total account General ledger?

The accounts which are updated with total amount include Account receivable, Account payable, credit sales, credit purchases. The total accounts are updated from the sales journal, purchase journal and cash books in total term, while the subsidiary ledger is updated from these books on individual bases.

What is purpose of maintain General Ledger?

General ledger provides readily available information for the preparation of financial statement. General ledger concept was related to the manual books of account for facilitation of preparation of financial statement.