Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Difference between Director and shareholder

Difference between Director and shareholder

The share holder and director are different roles in the organization; share holder make investment in business and the director run the business. In simple term share holder are owner of the business and director are agent of the equity holder and act on behalf of equity holder.

1.    Types of remuneration

Director is paid salary for their service, while equity holder receives dividend. Salary is a regular remuneration irrespective of financial performance of the entity, while dividend payment depends on the profitability of the entity.

2.    Responsibility of Management

Director is responsible for management of the business and all day to day management is responsibility of the director, while equity holder are limited decision making role in the organization.

3.    Appointment vs. ownership

Director is appointed by the equity holder, while equity holder enjoys the ownership due to the share holding. In simple term the share holder is owner and director act as his agent.

4.    Term of office

Directors are appointed for specified term i.e. 3 or 5 years, and upon completion of that term director office is vacated. Director may be re elected or appointed, while share holder continues to exit until the share is disposed of by the share holder.

5.    Objectivity

Director are more interest in short term boost of profit because it will result in high remuneration and bonuses , while equity holder are more interested in stability and long term profitability.