Monday, 6 July 2015

Difference between Franchise and branch

Difference between Franchise and branch

Branch is sub office of the entity and operated by itself, where franchise is operated or run by other party known as franchisee. Franchisee uses the business methods & services of the Franchiser against an agreement.

Difference between Franchise and branch can be explained in term of operation, investment in operations, operational employee, profit sharing and quality of the product and services.

1.    Business Operations
In case of branch entity itself responsible for business operations and operational decision making, where in case of franchise another party is responsible to carry out the business operations.

2.     Investment in Operations
in case of branch, investment in operations are made by the entity , while in case of franchise the investment for operation is made by the another party (Franchisee).

3.    Operational Employees
In case of branch employees responsible to carry out operations are employed by the entity, while in franchise, those employees are employed by the franchisee.

4.    Profit Sharing
In branch there is no profit sharing concept with another party, entity enjoy the sole profit from the operations, in case of franchise some profit is shared with franchisee. Profit sharing arrangement varies franchise to franchise.

5. Quality assurance
In case of branch quality is directly maintained by the entity, while in case of franchise quality is ensured by effective monitoring.