Monday, 13 July 2015

What is inventory

What is inventory?
In business inventory consist of two items i.e. items purchased for resale, item purchased to be used in manufacturing. The manufacturing inventory can be further classified into three classes or types i.e. raw material, work in progress and finished Goods.

What is manufacturing inventory?
The manufacturing inventory can be classified into three types i.e. inventory not yet used (Raw material), partial manufactured Goods (Work in progress material) and fully manufactured Good (Finished Goods).

What are cost component of inventory?
Inventory cost includes cost of purchase, import duties, carriage inward and manufacturing cost. All cost incurred directly or indirectly to bring the inventory to its present location and condition.

What is present condition and location of inventory?
The present condition and location of inventory for the purpose of valuation can be classified into four condition and location i.e. inventory is ready to resale, inventory is ready to used in manufacturing , inventory is partially manufactures and inventory fully manufactured.

How inventory is valued?
Inventory is valued at lower of cost or net realizable value. Net realizable value is expected selling price of the inventory minus cost necessary to complete the asset and sell the asset. The cost may be calculated using specific cost method, first in First out method or average method.

Where specific cost method is used?
Specific cost method is used where there are limited numbers of unit which are not interchangeable i.e. Jumbo jet, heavy capacity Generators,

Where FIFO and Average method is used?
The FIFO and average method is used where there are a number of small items which can be exchange with each other i.e. nuts and bolts.

Why inventory is valued lower of cost or net realizable value?
Inventory is valued at lower of cost or net realizable value under prudence concept which requires that assets are not to be overstated in the financial statements.

How inventory is initially measured?
Inventory is initially measured at cost.

How inventory is subsequently measured?
Inventory is subsequently measured at lower of cost or net realizable value at reporting date (Balance sheet date).