Thursday, 23 April 2015

Characteristic of Forward Contract

Characteristic of Forward Contract

Forward is a contract to buy or sell of a specified currency at a future date (delivery date) at exchange rate fixed today (Contract date). Forward contracts have legal binding and do not required premium payment.

1.       Forward Contract not Traded

Forward contract are not traded in the market and entered by the company and bank to meet the specific needs of the company. Each forward contract is designed to meet the specific requirement of the company at delivery date.

2.       No premium involved

Forward contract does not involve any premium because it is not traded in the market rather it is entered into. it is to be noted that premium is a basic feature of options ( which is different from forward contract).

3.       No margin Requirement

There is no margin requirement to entered into forward contract rather there is small fees involved for forward contract setup. It is to be noted that margin requirement is a feature of future contract which is different from forward contract.

4.       Physical Delivery is Requirement

Forward contracts are binding in nature and therefore physical delivery of actual currency will be required at delivery date. Due to this very reason the forward contract are believed to be inflexible.

5.       Expensive

 Forward contract are tailored made and therefore are expensive than other hedging options.

Example of Forward Contract

On ist march 2009 a company based in UK will receive an income of $ 100,000.
Spot Rate
1.62358- 1.6429
Four month forward
2 – 3 Cents
Actual Rate after three month
1.7200- 1.7400

How much sterling is received in case of forward contract?


1.       Find Buying Rate

The company will have to buy the USD and therefore will first of future buying rate will be established.
Spot Rate
Future buying rate

2.       Apply buying rate to buy $ 100,000

Quantity of $ required
$ 100,000
Buying rate
Expected Sterling = $ 100,000/1.6729

Tip of the example

·         You will divide with applicable rate when you will buy foreign currency
·         You will multiply with applicable rate when you sell foreign currency