Wednesday, 29 April 2015

What are stakes

What are stakes of share holder in the organization?

The equity holder is interested in Dividend, Share price and Stability of the organization. The investment is made to earn dividend and for capital gain and therefore the equity holder would like to be paid and expected dividend and would love to see the share price moving upward. The equity holder also wants that investment is secured/safe.

What are stakes of Employees?

The employee is interested in salary increase and other benefit like bonus etc. The employee also want job security and therefore the organization does not fulfill above mentioned requirement of the employee then key employee may decide to join other organization which is not good for the organization.

What are Stakes of Customer?

The customer is interested in value money paid, Quality of product and services. The customers will switch to the other product if value is not offered to him. The quality world and especially in developed country low quality can destroy your business in weeks. The customer is interested in quality of services as well.

What are stakes of Supplier?

The supplier is interested in timely payment of amount due and long term business relationship and therefore they want to keep relation with a stable organization with good liquidity position.