Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Effects of Debt Financing

There are two effects of introducing debts by the companies i.e. substitution effect and financial effect.

1.       Substitution effect

The cost of capital is expected to reduce by introducing debt financing because debt are cheaper than equity due to lower risk associated with debt  financing. The cost of capital is expected to reduce due to the cheaper financing i.e. debt financing.

2.       Financial effect

The risk of default increases with the introduction of more debt and this risk is fully born by equity holder because debt financing are secured by the capital assets.  Therefore equity holder will demand higher return for risk associated with debt financing i.e. default risk. Increase in cost of equity will raise the cost of capital.

3.       Net effect of Debt financing
The debt financing on one hand reduce the cost of capital due to lower cost associated with debt financing and on other hand it raises the cost of capital due to rise in the cost of equity. The substitution effect and financial effect as counter forces to each other.