Thursday, 19 November 2015

Difference between Integrated and Interlocking System

Difference between Integrated and Interlocking System

Difference between integrated and interlocking system can be explained in term of book keeping requirements, duplication of data, resources allocation, and manual book keeping.

1.   Scope
Interlocking system deals with the cost accounting aspect of the business, where integrated system both financial and cost aspect are dealt.

2.   Book of Account
In interlocking system two separate set of account are maintained for cost accounting and financial reporting. While in integrated system one set of book of account is maintained.

3.   Duplication of Data
In interlock system, there is duplication of data and too much data is processed and maintained within organization. In integrated system there is no duplication of data.

4.   Resources Allocation
Interlocking system requires of consumes more resources than integrated system. These resources can be categorized in term of employee time, cost of processing the data etc.

5.   Manual Book Keeping
Interlocking system is only maintained in manual books of account. In modern world, there is no concept of interlocking system, as computerized environment is based on integrated concept.