Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Characteristics of International Bond Market

Characteristics of International Bond Market

 Characteristics of international bond market may be explained in terms of scope of bond market, international currencies, selling of bonds, and raising large capital.

1.    Scope of Bond Market
In international bond markets, Finance can be raised by the companies, Government and institutions. It is important to note that only a well reputable with strong financial rated companies can issue bonds in the bond markets. Therefore international bond market is not an option for small companies.

2.    International Currency
In international bond market, Bonds are issued at international currency. The most common currencies for bond market are USD & Euro. Even some bonds market are named on the currency i.e. Eurobond market.

3.    Selling of Bonds 
Initially bonds are sold by international bank to different financial institution in different countries. In simple word, these bonds are offered internationally to different investor in different countries. These bonds are underwritten by an international syndicate.

4.    Raising Large Capital
International bond markets are usually used by the company for arranging huge or big amount of capital. For low amount of capital bank loan are preferred, because bond issuing requires a lot of technical skills and fulfillment of legal formalities.

Sources of International Financing