Monday, 2 November 2015

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

1.    Composition of Board of Director
Board of Directors Composition varies country to country. Different countries in the world have different Board composition. Ideally the board should have sufficient number of independent non executive directors, so that decision making is not influenced by executive directors.

2.     Policy Making
Board of Directors is responsible for making different policy for the organization. The major decision power also rest with the board of director i.e. loan from the financial institution, dividend payment for the year, capital investment decisions.

3.    Working Style
Board of Directors work through different committees, which includes, audit committee, account committee, Hr Committee etc. These committees deliberate on the matter under consideration and present its recommendation to board in board meeting for endorsement or approval.

4.    Performance Review
Board of Directors performance should be reviewed in the best interest of the entity. There should be an adequate mechanism for performance review of the board of directors. The number of meeting held during the year and director attendance in those meetings may be reported in financial statement or annual report as one of the controlling tool.

5.    Remuneration
Board of Directors remuneration policy should be made by non executive directors, so that a fair policy can be formulated for remuneration. Non executive member would consider the interest of both director & shareholders and a balance remuneration policy may be framed.

6.    Internal Control
Board of Directors must ensure that proper internal control system in place in the organization. Board of director should also review such system on periodical bases. It is also important to remember that international accounting standard also requires the acknowledgment of this responsibility.

7.    Relationship with Shareholder
Board of Directors should keep in close touch with shareholder. Board of Directors should inform shareholder for all major decision making. Board of Directors should give shareholder a confidence that their interest is being effectively guarded.