Objectives of Public Organization
Objective of Public
organization may be explained in terms of public welfare, maximum satisfaction
of society and financial constraint.
1. Public Welfare
organization is created to provide certain services to the society i.e.
education and health facilities. Primary objective is to welfare the overall society.
2. Maximum Satisfaction
In Public organization maximum
welfare of the public is a key consideration for decision making in such
organization. It is important to remember that maximum satisfaction is to be
defined within financial constraint.
3. Maximum Coverage
Public organization want to benefit maximum
number of people from the services, therefore public organization are designed
or created to provide welfare to the maximum number of people. Therefore
population is a key consideration for some public organization.
4. Financial Constraint
In Public organization financial contain or limited resources play
important role in deciding the level of service or satisfaction of Public. Organization strives to maximize service level
within given resources. Management of funds is required due to scarcity of
resources i.e. financial constraint.
5. Political Motives
Some public organization may be created for a political
motive than need. For example a hospital is constructed for a 100,000
population for attaining political mileage, and other area with 300,000 has no