of ethics for Customer
Modern business environment, all stakeholders are regarded important for the
business, and therefore specific code of ethics is designed to deal a specific
group. in this regard following code of ethics for customer are important;
1. Fair Play or Dealing
of ethics for customer includes fair play or dealing. It means that customer
should given the perceived value of good. Fair play requires abstaining from
making exaggerated claim about the product. Similarly promises about the
product should be met.
2. Product Safety
of ethics also includes product safety issue. It means that product should
qualify all applicable safety standards. In the modern world the product safety
is a vital issue, and a violation may result a loss of Goodwill & heavy
3. Privacy & Confidentiality
of ethics for customer also requires that customer information must not be
shared without promotion. Confidentiality also means that organization should
take all necessary steps for secure custody of customer information.