Monday, 2 November 2015

Dividend Yield

Dividend Yield

Dividend Yield can be calculated by dividend earning per share with Market Price of share. Dividend yield provides useful information for investment. It shows that how much annual return for your investment. Investor may invest in share with high dividend yield.

1.    Return on investment
Dividend yield provides information about the return on investment in terms of dividend payment (immediate return). For some investor it may be useful information to plan their investments.

2.    Investment Comparison
Dividend Yield ration enables to compares two investments in term of dividend payments. Ignoring other factors i.e. (risk factors & future prospect), a rational investor would select a high dividend yield company.

Dividend Yield Limitations

Dividend Yield Limitations can be explained in terms of Future growth ignored, and stability of dividend;

1.    Future Growth ignored
Dividend Yield give little consideration to the future growth of the dividend, because it is based on the current payment of dividend, future growth aspect due to reinvestment is ignored. Therefore Dividend yield cannot be used exclusively for investment decisions.

2.    Dividend not Stable
Dividend is not a permanent thing, dividend is paid only in case of profitable operations, and therefore use dividend payment for investment decision is not a suitable option.

Dividend Yield Formula
=           Dividend per Share
                 Market Price

Dividend Yield Example
Face Value of Share = 10
Dividend = 25%
Market Price = 130
Calculated Dividend Yield

In first place we would calculated the dividend, and then we would calculated dividend yield.
Dividend = 25% x Face value of share
= 2.5 $ (Dividend)

Dividend Yield= Dividend per Share
                                    Market Price
= 1.92% (Dividend Yield)