of ethics in Business
Code of ethics is
guideline issued by the management for ensuring the compliance with ethical
issues. These guidelines are to be applied in action & decision by the
for Code ethics in Business
1. Compliance
reason for code of ethics is to ensure compliance with code of ethics. Formal issued guidelines are deemed to be
taken more seriously by the employees. In many organization code of ethics
circulation & code of ethics compliance reporting is a binding activity.
2. Goodwill
reason for issuing code of ethics guidelines is to maintain a good will of
organization. Any non compliance with ethical issue can bring a bad reputation
for the organization, and such bad reputation will adversely affect the organizational
objectives. Therefore code of ethics development and implementation is
fundamental for maintain the organization Goodwill.
3. Improving Control
reason for code of ethical is to promote a culture of control in the
organization. Code of corporate ethics will help organization to maintain an
effective governed organization. A well controlled environment will ensure long
term stability of the organization.