Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Reducing Environmental Footprint

Reducing Environmental Footprint

Reducing environmental footprint can be explained in terms of use of alternative resources, Green procurement policy, and improved waste management.

1.    Use alternative Resources

Use of alternative resources in case of depletion resources may be an option for improving the situation. For example using aluminum instead of wood in different types of fitting may reduce the timber consumption.

2.    Green procurement policy
Using green procurement policy may reduce environmental pollution. Green procurement means using. A Green procurement policy is aimed to achieve the following

·                     Reduction of Carbon emission
·                     Improved efficiency of water utilization
·                     Promoting recycling or reuse
·                    Reduction of dangerous material

3.    Improved Waste Management
Introducing effective & improved waste management system may reduce the damaging effect substantially. Recycling is one of the useful options in this regard; however, in some case recycling can produce even worst environmental effects.