Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Environmental Issues in Business

Environmental Issues in Business

Environmental issue in business or footprint can be categories into depletion resources, waste & pollution and use of non renewable resources.

1.    Depletion of Resources
Environmental issue includes the depletion of natural resources for example use of timber as raw material is reducing the trees in the environment. This reduction is creating a multiple problem in the environment.

2.    Waste & pollution
Another important environmental issue is waste created during the production. It is damaging our environmental badly. Many organizations do not have proper mechanism to dispose of this waste, which may be extremely dangerous for environment.

3.    Carbon Emission
Carbon and other Gases emission is also an important environmental issue. This emission is not only polluting the environment, but also damaging the ozone layer.

4.    No renewable Resources
Use of no renewable raw material is also an important environmental issue. no renewable resources mean a resource which cannot be naturally replaced, typical example of non renewable resource is oil and Gas.